Friday, January 16, 2009

Look who's 7 months old!

Wheeeeee... John's now 7 months old and he's thriving very well. He's 8.3kg now and is about 70cm long. He's also started to do baby push ups and will soon be crawling. He's also learning to sit on his own though that's coming along a little slower than average. He's still putting everything and anything in his mouth and droooools like there's no tomorrow. He's also got 2 teeth and is eating 2 meals a day. His most significant development is that he's now sleeping through the night!
Socially he's fabulous. He loves people and breaks into a huge grin when people raise their eyebrows at him or smile at him. He also loves playing peek-a-boo. His current favourite toy is the rubber ducky, which yes, he puts in his mouth too.
Personally, I can't believe it's been 7 months! I do miss the time he was tiny tiny. But I look forward to what lies ahead for the little active one. Now, i'm taking it one day at a time.

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