Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pain pain go away...

For about a month now, I've been having a pain at the base of my thumb which my mil diagnosed as tendonitis. This pain is the result of excessive use of my thumb, particularly from carrying the bub. I didn't bother much about it until yesterday...

When I woke up, the pain was absolutely excruciating. I literally had to grab my wrist for a minute to ease the pain. Then when I went to the next room to pick the bub up, it literally felt like I had a knife pierced in my left wrist. Since then I couldn't go about my daily activities without pain. It's been especially hard not being able to pick up the bub to give him a cuddle without grimacing inside.

When I googled tendonitis, I realised I specifically had DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis. According to, it's commonly seen in new mothers as the motion of picking up the baby can cause irritation to the wrist tendons.


Typical treatments include immobilisation, icing, oral medication and injection. At the moment, I'm using ice and a wrist guard whenever I need to carry or handle the bub. And I'm adding a big dose of prayer. So i'm really hoping this get better very soon.

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