Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Watch me crawl!

Yes. John's hit his next milestone... crawling! Because he's just starting out, he needs a really big incentive to get him to move. At the moment, the rubber ducky does the trick!

result: very happy baby


Anonymous said...

Wow he is really crawling and he is so happy adorable.

Chris The Baker said...

SO ADORABLE!!! I'm waiting for Nat to reach the various milestones too. Just last night, she noticed her hands and has been staring at them, flexing them open & close and punching me with them! And sh'es been talking alot too!

trisha said...

Awwww. I saw the video of her chatting on facebook! She's a real darling. When you see her hit her milestones, you'll realise all the hard work's worth it. :)

Lea said...

He really loves that duckie! I hope you have a spare - wouldnt want it to go missing and have no replacement. :)

This is coming from someone who had 2 of the same blankie since childhood and it's saved my parents a bunch of times. HAHA!

trisha said...

yeah i do have 2! :) you with 2 blankies? I never would have thought. haha

debbs said...

yeah that's something i never knew about lea!
i always had the one bolster, and luckily nothing's ever happened to it. phew!