Sunday, March 08, 2009


I was browsing Deborah's sister's blog recently and read a post on the Thudguard. Although John's been crawling around like a busy bee and his play yard is, in my opinion, padded enough, we decided to get one because my father-in-law mentioned numerous times how he was worried that John would injure his head (him and mil are both doctors you see...). So our decision to buy the product was really for his peace of mind.

When I first checked it out (here), the price was $68. One day later, when we decided to go ahead to get it, the price had gone up to $80! I missed the introductory promotional offer by one day! I really felt like hitting myself. Anyways, we got it and it came within 2 days, so no problem there.

It's a great product... PROVIDED your baby doesn't mind head gear. So if you're thinking of purchasing this for your child, try a hat or swim cap to make sure he/she is ok with having something on his/her head first.

Unfortunately, John was not happy at all wearing the thudguard. Even though it comes with a strap to keep it in place, he managed to take it off everytime... in one swift motion. Determined not to let our 80 bucks go to waste, James concocted a simple plan to get the bub to wear it. Simple plan = Distraction! Why didn't i think of it earlier? - doh! Anyways, John would only wear it if he doesn't know he's wearing it. So at least the thudguard's getting some head time. Here's a pic of John with it on. I think he looks waaaay cute in it.

Oh, one more thing, John sweats a storm in the thudguard. When the gear comes off, he looks like he's just had a shower. Not all that suitable for our hot and humid weather, except if the aircon's on.

And today John's started climbing stairs, so i'm definitely going to try to make sure the thudguard stays on when he's not in the play yard. Hope that goes well.

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