Wednesday, April 15, 2009

10 months on...

One of John's favourite things - tags!

15 June 2008... the day my little bubba arrived kicking and screaming, greeting the world with gusto. 10 months on today, some things have not changed. :) He's still kicking, especially when he's refusing to have his diaper changed; and he's started to exercise his vocal cords a lot more recently.

Apart from that, he's changing in almost every other way. His personality is really coming through now. Though he's still quite sociable, he's developed a mild case of stranger anxiety, which i think came about after getting sick. He's more clingy now and would show his displeasure (vocally) when i walk out of the room. Now i've literally got to sneak out if i've need to do something. But he loves meeting new people and warms up easily, as long as mummy/daddy's still around.

John's got a slight problem with eczema. He's got 2 crusty spots on his face that come and go quite often. We were recommended a-derma, a cream that uses an oat as the active ingredient rather than a steroid, and i think it's helping somewhat. I'm also washing his face more often to keep the area clean. I also read and hear that very often such eczema associated with babies disappear when they're about a year old... which is just TWO months away! (I can't believe my baby's turning one!!!) *fingers & toes crossed!*

Physically he's really grown. I can seriously feel it in my arms when we go out and I carry him. He's aso grown taller and is now as tall as our dining table! He's now completely mobile and can crawl the whole length of our house in seconds. He's also taken to climbing stairs and can do a whole flight at a time. He's so mobile on all fours that I think he might take some time to walk. We've bought him a push cart type walker to encourage him to walk, but after a few steps, he decides he's faster crawling, gets down on all fours and nips off. He's also learnt to climb down backwards... today he climbed on our coffee table, crawled across it, made a 180 degree turn and 'gostan-ed' down. Mummy was so proud that she forgot to tell'im he wasn't supposed to be climbing the coffee table in the first place. :p

Food wise, John's doing better with lumpier foods. He's now eating rice again, but commercial rice porridge. He didn't take to mummy's home-made one - much to my disappointment. But whatever makes him happy and as long as he's getting good sized meals, i'm happy. I've also started giving him bread... home-made bread, and he loves it. Other new foods include honey dew, grapes, tahini and pumpkin seeds.

All in all, everything's going great except for one or two bits and i'm just thankful for the chance to watch my baby grow. I thank God everyday that I have the privilege to be his momma and I pray I'll be the parent God intended me to be.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Ok this is weird. Is it only boys who like to suck tags?! Elisha had that phase too. He'd pull out the tag from under his Mothercare shirts, or on his burp cloths and suck with gusto. Must be the nice edges along their gums. Hahaha!