Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Bee Story

We came home yesterday to find that a population of bees had decided to make a home in our frangi tree. When you look at it for the first time, it can be quite scary cos with all the bees moving at once, the whole hive looks like it's shaking. The amazing thing is that they only took ONE day to set up home! We walk John out in the garden daily and the day before there was no sign of a hive whatsoever.

So anyways, we were thinking of what we could do to get rid of the hive seeing how we go out there so often (i cannot even imagine what it would be like if they decided to sting my baby!). My mil said she was going to call our gardener today to see if he had bee-disposing experience but God's provision came through quicker than we had expected. While they (fil & mil) were at the park with the bub this morning, they saw a pest control man. And when my mil approached him, he said ok, came over and promptly got rid of it. God is indeed good. :)


Nate Torrence said...

Close one! Glad you got the problem taken care of!

trisha said...

yes, it was! :) thanks for dropping by!