Monday, April 06, 2009

the zzzzzs again...

So, at the beginning of this year, I had posted about how John's been sleeping through the night. I am so sad to say that all that sleep training has unfortunately undone itself and we're back to frequent night wakings and mummy being the only one able to put the bub back to sleep. It became especially bad when he was sick recently and we had to comfort him to sleep every half hour (an experience I NEVER want to relive again!).

This is highly highly disappointing for me cos it's been taking a toll on me and i'm once again really really tired. And it doesn't help that John's so much more active now. It seems my boy has grown up significantly over the last few days and he's showing his independent spirited side. It's espeically so during nap times. He's now standing in his cot and it takes a lot longer for him to go to sleep.

At night, I sometimes have to spend a long time nursing him and carrying him till he's in a deep slumber before putting him down. I guess the good thing is that John sleeps in his own room and has done so since we first sleep trained him.

John's sleep has been the biggest challenge for me. I've just not been able to have sustained success in this area and it's something I know I have to fix sooner rather than later; which of course means I'm putting all this stress on myself tring to find solutions. We're thinking of sleep training him again soon and we hope this time, it'll last longer than just a couple of months.

So if you're reading this, please pray for us. For God to lead us to the right solution, to grant us the wisdom to know how to implement it, for the strength to go through with it and for the patience to stick it through.

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