Thursday, May 21, 2009


Of late, my little man's been VERY facinated with his shoes. Before his bath every evening, he'll crawl over to his shoe shelf (yes he has a shelf of shoes - mostly given) and begin a sort of shoe ritual. It's quite facinating, yet funny at the same time.

First he'll take out one shoe, inspect the sole and place it on the floor. Then he'll take out the next and inspect it and place it on the floor. He'll do this till all his shoes are on the ground. Then he'll toss them about like he's mixing a salad and squeal at the same time. He'll do this for a while. And then he'll start inspecting them one by one again until it's time for his bath.

Not only that... when both mummy and daddy are not looking, he'll attempt to put them in his mouth. That's my playful little man for you.

I'm just glad he's finding things to explore on his own, shoes or otherwise, and we don't have to constantly find things to entertain him with. phew!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Aiyio he look so big in this pix