Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sick again

John's been sick the last few days and mummy and daddy have been trying their very best to keep him happy and comfortable. It started with a light cough on Thursday and on Thursday night, it developed into a fever, runny nose and nasty cough.

I must say that it is a blessing that my in laws are doctors and when we need some 'consultation', we get an almost instant diagnosis. Our home is also a sort of mini pharmacy. And because we have not one, but three doctors in our household, we even have a second and third opinion.

Having said that, this time, John's cough has been bad and we have been giving him antibiotics to preempt the possibility of any secondary bacterial infection to what we believe to be a viral infection. We also give him baby paracetamol whenever the fever strikes (it comes on and off and at its peak it was a whopping 39 degrees!) and a cough mixture to soothe the throat.

Though John's not been as cranky as the last time he was sick, and he still has half his appetite, his sleep has been disrupted again. On Friday night i literally had to carry him to sleep for a good part of the night. Very tiring.

We're just praying now that the worst is over and that God will give him a speedy recovery.


pei fen said...

poor baby :(
this awful weather really isn't helping at all either. i hope john gets well speedily so he can enjoy his birthday party!

trisha said...

tell me about it! has it been hot or what!

yes, i hope he gets well soon too.

Leroy said...

Oh dear! Hope John is feeling better now. God bless him with a speedy recovery! TAke care!