Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What happened to the 20 cent rides???

You know those rides you find in almost all shopping centres? Those with characters such as Barney, always with a queue of kids waiting to go on, mostly blasting funny music? I can't believe each ride is costs $1! For like 1 minute! What happened to the 20 cent rides? Where have they gone? $1 is just daylight robbery.

Having said that, it's just so hard to not let your child try something new and over the mothers' day weekend, John had his first taste of the $1 rides. It was just outside Bakerzin at Suntec, where we were having lunch, and mama and gong gong couldn't resist letting the bub try it out. And he really enjoyed it! He couldn't sit on the seat cos he kept slipping off so he stood throughout the ride, steering the submarine like a pro. And he'd ocassionally let out a shout of glee and look over at us and smile. It was uber cute.

As usual, I had camera in hand and I snapped and snapped, but the submarine kept moving and of all the shots I took, only one wasn't blurry (seriously, i need some help in the area of photography). But I'm glad I caught him in a smile. :)

I've also started collecting $1 coins so I can reward (not spoil) him with more rides in the future.

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