Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First steps!!!

I'm slowly putting together my post on John's birthday weekend and i hope to have that up soon. I've just got lots to say and loads of pics to choose from. So stay tuned.

BUT, I'm so excited cos my little man took his first official steps today!!! 5 to be exact. wooooot! In attendance was mummy, daddy, mama, gong gong and our helper, Tess. He had been taking one or two tentative steps of late but today, it was proper walking. When he finally got back down on his fours again, we broke into a huge applause, which John of course loved. I'm hoping the positive response would encourage him to do it again. My cam's going to be blued to me tomorrow. Hopefully i'll catch his next steps on camera.


Jo said...


Desiree said...

It is so exciting to witness their 1st steps! So happy for u, I think John will start walking real soon!