Friday, July 03, 2009

Eczema no more!

For a large part of John's first year, he had quite a bad case of eczema. The rash appeared as red spots in the usual areas like behind his knee, elbow etc. But the one area most affected was his face. He had red patches on both sides of his cheeks and they definitely caused him some discomfort coz he used to rub his face against our clothes when we carried him. It seriously broke my heart to see him like that.

We tried steroid creams and that helped here and there. But the patches kept reoccuring. I hated using steoids on John. I heard that if you use steroids, it would be hard to stop using them cos the skin would get so used to them that the moment you stopped, the eczema would come back. I also found out from a friend that steroids thin the skin and that's no good as well.

Before: Two patched on his face.

I prayed and asked God to give us wisdom to help the bub. Only He knew what was going on. And once again, I must say God answers prayers. When John was about 10 months, I started to notice that the eczema was particularly bad days after I ate squid or prawns. And John was having the same through my breastmilk. So I decided to cut seafood (except fish) out of my diet completely. And voila! John's skin cleared! So for about 2 over months now, he's been dawning silky smooth baby skin... FINALLY! :)

After: Eczema no more! :)

If you stood with us in prayer for John's recovery, we would like to thank you. God is good and every prayer counted!

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