Thursday, July 16, 2009

A day of fun!

I've been really busy with work the last 2 weeks and have been feeling guilty about not spending enough time with John. So i was happy to have some good fun with the bub today.

First, we headed to maccas for breakfast with Desiree and her boy Leroy. Leroy and John are about 8 months apart but they seem to get along reasonably well. John had a whole hotcake by himself, even after his morning yoghurt. It's amazing how he doesn't put on weight. I guess it's all that walking and burning off the calories.

Leroy & John.

The breakfast was just a prequel to our little outing to Marina Barrage. I've just heard so much about it and I had been waiting for John to walk confidently enough to bring him there. And having gone there today, I must say it's a really really lovely place. The water play area's huge! Because it was a weekday morning, we had the whole water play area to ourselves and the boys had an hour of fun getting wet, watering the plants, etc. Desiree even brought a plastic elephant watering can for John. That was really nice - thanks Desiree!

You know what the best part was... it was FREE! (typical singaporean mummy. heh) They even have a huge grass area for flying kites or having picnics. So we're definitely going there again!
The huge water play area which was empty on a weekday morning!
Good thing John has a thermal suit that kept him warm. :)

The boys again. I find it very interesting to watch them engage in parallel play.

I managed to get a video of John attempting to water the grass.
All that activity was definitely good for John. He was so tired that he knocked out when we set off to go home. Before we even got out of the Marina area, he was in lala land.


I had a couple of friends come over for lunch as well and John got to play with another friend - Rae (Lynn's beautiful 8 month old baby girl.) They were all chatty... communicating in what must be baby talk. I wish I had taken a video of them interacting. Would have been nice to have that archived. It was really nice catching up with some of my old MG friends (all new moms and one mom-to-be) and sharing our experiences and struggles. Thank God for good friends.

After John's afternoon nap, I brought him for his swimming class again at Suntec City. I must say he's really improved since we started some months back. He now can hold his breath under water for at least 3 seconds and he can "row row row" his boat - like he's swimming the breast stroke. He can also climb out of the pool with little assistance and he can jump in when asked to (mummy's there to catch him of course). I think the most important thing he's learnt in his swim class is how to expel water when he accidentally takes in some. Definitely something he needs to know. I'm just glad he has gained some confidence in the water and loves it.

Today was a good day overall. I really enjoyed it. However, I was supposed to go to the gym today after John went to bed, but the day's activities have been a tad too much for me. I think i'll go tomorrow instead. *fingers crossed*

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