Monday, September 21, 2009

At Transformetion Weekend

Last month we went for our Church's Transformetion Weekend. The schedule was packed with teaching, worship and feasting and all of us, bub included, enjoyed every bit of it. It was the first time we stayed away from home since the 2.5 weeks we went to Italy when John was 5 months old.

Background: The Italy experience was terrifying for both of us. James was on a course and I was alone with the bub most of the day. It was in an ulu part of Italy so the town was really small and so was the hotel. The room was a nice size but walls were paper thin, so each time John cried, i imagined the other folks in the hotel wishing they stayed somewhere else. It didn't help that John had realised he had vocal chords and were exercising them extensively so each time he was awake, I had to sling him and and take him out. We were out a few hours at a go and so by the end of the trip, my shoulders were absolutely trashed. All this aside, it was good for us to be together as a family exclusively. I do cherish the experience because of the bonding that resulted and given a choice, I would go through it again.

The 3 of us in San Remo, Italy

That being said, I prayed really hard for the 3 days we were to stay at Parkroyal on Beach Road. John was now at a different stage in his little life and the challenges were different. And God came through for us. John was so good during our stay there. He even slept and napped really well! He ate whatever I gave him and he was happy to just run around the ballroom foyer most of the time. James and I could attend the teaching sessions and the group sessions and I was even able to co-lead worship at the Prayer, Praise and Worship without feeling anxious or guilty. All I can say is that God truly answers prayers and we now have enough confidence to consider a little family holiday at the end of the year! Woohoo! :)

Photos courtesy of Uncle Eddy and his big big camera!

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