Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bollywood Bub

It's been an interesting week at Julia Gabriel. We were asked to dress the bubs in traditional Indian outfits to celebrate Deepavali and I thought it would be fun to expose him culturally. Together with another mommy Estella, we bought 2 Indian outfits for our boys who are the same age. They wore one outfit last week and we swopped them this week so the bubs got to wear not one but two costumes! :)

The boys looked super cute and very smart. At $10 for a 2-piece suit, I say it's a very good deal!

John's pal Jair giving his 'camera' smile.

My bollywood bub

Mucking about just before class.

Doesn't John look like a little Indian prince? :)

1 comment:

Jo said...

wah. you actually took the effort... i didn't quite bother. sigh. claire doesn't even have a cheongsum! :)