Wednesday, October 07, 2009

John and Nat

Last week we had lunch with Chris the baker and her bub Natalie. We had Thai food at Siam Kitchen at Parkway (Chris now stay in the east!!! Woohoo!) and the two little ones had a treat of spring rolls, phad thai and thai fried rice. Very yummy.

It was a nice, relaxed lunch for us both cos the two little ones were in relatively good moods and were happy to get to know each other. Close to the end of the lunch, they were playing 'follow the leader'. Nat would start to bang the table and John would follow suit and then vice versa. I know it's not socially considerate behavior but the restaurant wasn't too crowded and it was too cute to watch! Here's a short video:

Then there was the book swop...

After lunch... reading time.

Nat's more interested in what John's reading.

John decides Nat's is more exciting too and they SWOP!

Swop completed and we have to happy bubs!

After lunch Chris headed to run some errands and I prepared to head home. But John decided to leave me a present... a HUGE present. Good thing Parkway has a nice nursery in Isetan. I used so many wet wipes i actually lost count - but i won't bore you with the details. :)

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