Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Up up and away!

Yesterday we took John to Marina Barrage to fly a kite. I was inspired by Joan, whose 30 list included flying a kite, coupled with the fact that John's been sick so we couldn't go anywhere indoors with other kids and he needed the fresh air. Also, the view's fantastic.

I had never flown a kite before and had the impression that it was really difficult. Fortunately for me, I have a pro of a husband, who as a child successfully flew a kite at his mum's clinic with close to nada wind. He showed us how eeeeasy it is to fly a kite. He didn't even need to run.

This is y favourite pic of the lot. It's got my 2 fav people and the Singapore skyline complete with the flyer.
It's now my desktop picture. :)

When we arrived, there wasn't anyone at the field. But soon, bus loads of primary school kids lined the field. Many of them tried flying their kites unsuccessfully and one girl even came over to consult James on how to fly properly.

Here's my husband being consulted. It was so funny I just had to snap a pic.

Close to the end of our session, the wind got ratehr strong and we managed to fly the kite very high. We had almost no string left. That was really exciting for me.

Me having a go. The kite's so high up you can't really see it in the pic.

Of course true to John Chng's style, he did a HUGE poop while we were there and we had to change him in the open field. Of course we disposed of the 'toxic waste' after we left. :)

That's my bub all clean and satisfied after his poop. :)

But we just had so much fun we're definitely going back to fly our kite again.


Jo said...

them doing poops whilst we're out is not fun for us!!! I always secretly hope he'll poop at home so I don't have to struggle with an upset babe outside.


trisha said...

yeah totally agree. :)