Friday, March 05, 2010


I've learnt never to underestimate the importance of praying for God's protection and journey mercies on the road, especially if you're driving with a child in the car. It's something that comes quite automatically for me when I get behind the wheel. But on Tuesday, I didn't. Maybe it was the fact that I was late (we were heading to Forum for John's JG class) or I was complacent. Whatever the reason was, it resulted in an accident on Nichol Highway right smack in the centre of morning traffic.

I was slightly distracted and within a couple of seconds, my car had made contact with an almost brand new Mazda CX7 in front of me. I was on second gear and possible driving at about 40km/h so the impact wasn't too bad. I looked back and John was ok, so I got out to assess the damage to the cars.

The car in front was waaay bigger than my little swift, so the damage on his car was rather superficial with a few little scratches and probably a couple of small dents. BUT the same was not to be said of my little swift. It was like its nose was bashed in. :( The bonnet was bent and the engine exposed. We couldn't even open it to see if anything inside was damaged.

At least the driver of the Mazda was nice and didn't badger me there for ruining his new car. I think he saw how shaken I was from my handwriting which looked like a symphony of worms. I guess he was empathetic since he has a 3 year old child himself (not in the car at the time - thank God). So we exchanged numbers, took pictures and headed off. I still brought John to class since I figured nothing could be done within the next 2 hours.

I sent my car to the workshop that evening and was told that the repairs would take 10 days and estimated cost was about $5K! Thank God we're required to buy car insurance. The driver of the Mazda had to send his car to the Mazda workshop because of his warranty and his estimated cost was at least $1.3k.

Whatever it is, I'm glad that all of us - John, myself, the Mazda driver and his wife are safe and the only 2 casualties were the cars. I have to remind myself to always pray for God's protection everyday without fail. We never know when the "thief" decides to pull a fast one on us.

1 comment:

Jo said...

my goodness! Thank God you're both alright!