Friday, April 02, 2010

John visits the dentist!

John in the dentist chair.

Just this week, I was getting my routine clean and polish and I brought the little one along so the dentist could have a little look. I wasn't sure he would be at all comfortable in the chair, not to mention the strangers clad in funny "raincoats" and masks. But the dentist was great in making him feel comfortable (she has a 2 year old son herself) and of course, he was also distracted by the TV above the chair.

So the good news was that he was OK sitting in the chair. Bad news, however, is that his teeth aren't doing so well - which I expected cos for a long time he refused to let us brush his teeth. It was only until recently after I sleep trained him, that he willingly allowed us to brush. I still can't understand the connection between sleep training and teeth brushing - but the battles are over now and I'm just thankful.

However, we still have to deal with the consequences of the months of haphazard brushing prior to January this year. Sigh. John's got plaque (hardened and calcified) on his bottom teeth and it's bad because we can't just simply brush it off. It needs to be removed with proper dental equipment and only when he's about 3 years old.

So my action plan at the moment is to reduce juice intake, get John to take to the electric toothbrush, and brush his teeth AFTER his milk feed before bedtime - not before.

I hope it all goes well!

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