Friday, May 07, 2010

John and Victoria take Hort Park!

Hort park is looooovely! Lush greenery and nice chill out areas. The best thing about the place is they have a few playgrounds (one with sand, one with dinosaurs, one normal non-sand playground and a sort of science type area for the older ones) and a fish pond with loads of colourful fishes. Oh, and it's free!

So Steph and I brought John and Victoria there last Friday and the kids had a ball. Pity it was soooo hot with not even the slightest breeze if not it would have been a perfect day. But better sunny than rainy. John was fascinated with the huge dinosaurs for a while, then it was the playground but when he got to the sand pit, there was no holding him back! He was grabbing the sand, throwing it on himself, throwing it on the pavement and once even at Victoria (poor girl). One thing's for sure, he's not afraid to get dirty. In fact, I think he likes it. I'm often tempted to stop him from getting dirty, but I believe I've got to let him explore and be a boy - even if it means a super clean up after.

It's really interesting to see how girls behave. Victoria is very proper and she doesn't like getting dirty at all - good for Steph I say. She's all about the clean play - see saw and swing - and will sometimes follow John to see what he's doing but not engaging at all in the icky play. I wonder if my daughter (when I have one) will be like that. It would certainly be easier for me. haha.

Anyways, here are the photos from the playdate. Most of them (the lovely ones with super vivid colours) were taken by Steph and a few by myself on my iphone. :)

Check out my buay pai seh son sprawled on the sofa at the visitors' centre.

Oooh... Dinosaurs. John's got a fascination for them at the moment. Tory in the background not as impressed.

John jumped right in and started playing.

Victoria wasn't too happy with the black gravel. It took her a while to get used to the place.

Ah. Good clean fun. No sand or gravel here.

We wanted to get a picture of John and Victoria together on this bench, but it proved too difficult cos John just needed 2 seconds of rest before he was off again.

By this time John had absolutely red cheeks, was dripping in sweat and had sand all over himself.

Let's have a closer look!

And here's why... running with a fist full of sand and throwing it on the pavement - getting some on himself in the process.

Snack time.... we finally managed to get a picture of them sitting together! They were actually looking at a couple of boys who had also come to the playground and their helper who was wearing 2 hats - don't ask why.

Look at that ice-cold drink. The mummies had to get a drink after all that running around.

Fish! John was absolutely delighted to see the fish in the pond. They were actually very very pretty because of all the colours.

There was a small dispensing machine selling fish food for a dollar! That's really expensive considering how little food we got. But nevertheless, the kids had a ball feeding the fish.

We're definitely going back to Hort Park again. Next time I'll be sure to check the weather forecast beforehand. :)

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