Saturday, May 01, 2010

Our new friends!

God has a wonderful way of bringing people together. In March this year, when we started on term 2 of John's Julia Gabriel class, one of my Uni mates, Stephanie, joined the class with her daughter Victoria. And since then, I've found another good friend and John has found a play pal in Victoria.

We've unofficially made our Friday mornings playdate days for the bubs and so far we've been to Botanic Gardens Swan Lake and Hort Park - both of which were firsts for John and mummy. I must say it's been wonderful! John and Victoria seem to get along quite dandy and they run around (actually more John than Victoria, she's a real lady), play, have snacks and get dirty in the mud/sand/grass (again, more John than Victoria, she's a real proper lady).

We mummies also get to chat and catch up and we have found waaaay too many similarities in ourselves it's not even funny! Stephanie says it's because we're March babies and I agree. Besides the outward appearance (I'd die to look like her - Adrian's a lucky man), I swear we could have been twins! I say again, God has a wonderful way of bringing people together.

Steph's also a wonderful photographer and when we go out, she's snapping away. She can afford to, unlike myself, who has to run after John half the time cos he's trying to catch a caterpillar or he's playing with mud. So thanks to her we have our little playdates documented in pictures. :) So here's some photos from our Botanic Gardens outing.

John loves birds - any kind of bird - so he was happy to see the swans.

We brought bread to feed the swans. John happily threw the bread into the lake until he realised it was food and started to eat the bread himself! Good thing mummy brought fresh bread! Victoria didn't feed the swans and held onto one piece of bread the whole time. I think she was reluctant to share. haha.

The two of them look sooo cute here. Expressions almost identical.

I can't remember what they were doing here but it was really nice to watch them "communicate".

We sang the Barney song and when we came to the "great big hug and a kiss from me to you", John went over and kissed Victoria on her nose! It was so sweeeeet.

John shared his toys with Victoria.

... and he's off!
My bub runs off to explore the big trees.

If you think these photos are nice, wait till you see the Hort Park ones! Coming up soon!


Steph said...

We love hanging out too! I actually look forward to exploring new places with you guys!

And I think Tory misses John! Coz when I mention his name she'll get really excited and point to the door! haha....

And I think John thinks we look alike! Coz he came to me for hugs that day. hehe...

See ya tomorrow!

trisha said...

awww. Tory's tooo cute! :) it's going to be exciting seeing them grow up as friends.

see you tomorrow!