Sunday, February 03, 2008

Baby baby...

I have finally yielded to the "subtle" nugding by friends to start blogging. To be honest, I have always wanted to start an online diary for a long time. In fact, I did start one on friendster (does anyone even remember friendster?), but I just wasn't disciplined at that time. Not that I am more disciplined now... but I certainly feel a greater need to record what's happening, now that the bundle's on the way. So... here's my first blog entry. :o)

I'm almost at my halfway point now. 19 weeks 4 days to be exact, and every minute has been full of anticipation and bursts of little surprises along the way. Here's a little timeline up till the end of the first trimester...

19 October 2007 - We're pregnant! This was when my period was due and I somehow knew "this was it!". Call it mother's instinct, but I think it was more like the Holy Spirit's little promptings. This was our gift from God and what I had been waiting for for 2 years... had now become a reality.

17 November 2007 - First visit to the gynae. The whole session took less than 20 minutes but every minute seemed surreal. I was now 8 weeks pregnant, and when he placed the apparatus on my belly and the little blob appeared on the screen, I had a moment. The baby was there! His machine picked up the little heartbeat of our baby (beating twice as fast as mine) and it suddenly became that much more a reality.

22 December 2007 - 2nd visit to the gynae. This visit was even shorter... bearly 10 minutes, but what i saw on screen this time was no longer a blob, but what looked like a real baby! Not only did I see it's shape, I saw it moving in my tummy. It was amazing! I was now 13 weeks pregnant and at the tail-end of my first trimester.

I thank God that I had not fallen victim to the monster they call "morning sickness". My prayers at the beginning of this journey had been for God's glory to be manifested through this pregnancy and up to this point, He had been faithful in answering my prayers for a smooth and problem-free first trimester. This had certainly increased my faith to believe for a supernatural childbirth experience.. I truly believe that the curse of sorrow in conception has been broken and that Jesus bore all our pain, sorrows and iniquities on the the cross. When He rose from the grave, He conquered sickness and death... and because He is my God and my saviour, I am now redeemed from the curse and have victory in all aspects of life.

That said, I look forward to what is to come, because I know God is always in control. :o)

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