Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I really wanted to blog about our little trip up north and post photos of our very first family 'vacation', but I haven't been able to do so for a couple of reasons. 1. I forgot to install my camera software before coming, so i can't download my photos. Sigh... 2. We didn't anticipate how John would take being away and he's been very demanding thus far, so i've no time to really come online.

We've been in Italy for more than a week now and though it's been tough, we've had the joy to witness John hitting 2 more of his developmental milestones!

1. On the 11th of November, John took his maiden voyage across the bed! It was a bumpy ride, with his cute little butt up in the air half the time, but it was successful. And that's the start of him eventually crawling! I took a video of him doing the same later on that day... and will post it soon.

2. On the 13th of November, John rolled from his tummy onto his back - twice... and many times after that. He's always been able to roll from his back onto his tummy, but now he can do the reverse! Woohoo!

Our bub's now 5 months... and seeing how he's been quite difficult of late, and the fact that he's drooling loads (he goes through at least 5 bibs a day - which i have to wash by hand on a daily basis) and putting everything in his mouth, we now anticipating his first teeth appearing. We're just praying it'll not appear till we get back to Singapore.

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