Saturday, November 29, 2008

Jetlagged no more

I heard that it's easy adjusting to time differences when you head west and very difficult when you return to the east, so I was very worried about the bub and how long he'd take to return to his daily routine. That called for lots and lots of prayer and I want to say, God's been faithful again. :)

The night we came back was tough. John slept only at 5am and woke at 12.45pm. James and I had to play with him, which was not so bad for me, but James had to work the next day. Even then, he stayed up to help me with the bub (thanks dear!).

I seriously thought it was going to take at least a week for John to adjust back... such little faith I had at that time. But the next night, John went to sleep at 9.15pm (a couple of hours off, but still better than 5am!). I stayed awake in anticipation that he'd wake and want to play, and each time he shifter in his sleep, I'd pray that he'd stay asleep. And he did! He slept through... except for feedings, which he took and fell right back to sleep. It was not until 3am that I decided that he was really sleeping through and called it a night. He woke at 7.20am and I put him right back on this schedule. We even made it to CVC! The last 2 nights he's been sleeping at 8+pm, which is even more of an improvement. Praise God! :)

So mama Lea, maybe Zac will do likewise? No need the sedatives... see u soon!

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