Friday, May 08, 2009

Teeth and thudguard

After a quick survey of the bubs i have come into contact with recently, i have concluded that John's got more teeth than the average 11 month old. I am proud to say my bub's going to have 8 teeth by his first birthday! My mil said he probably has lots of calcium, and i am inclined to agree seeing he has a cup of yoghurt a day... everyday.

Anyhoo, having a mega teething machine as a baby has its good and bad points. Good in that he's able to eat foods which are more lumpy, and he's able to bite off fruit pieces and chew them. It's also nice to see a smile with a nice set of teeth and we have been trying to teach him the need to brush every morning and evening.

Bad bits... he grinds his teeth. It's almost like he finds the noise amusing. Of course it sends shivers down my spine. I liken it to nails on a chalkboard. eeks. Also, he bites. Everyone in our household has battle scars to prove it. He's quite cheeky about it too. He affectionately snuggles into wherever he's going to land a bite, like on our belly or thigh, and because we think he's showing us love, we don't stop him. Then he goes in for the kill and sinks his pearly whites into our flesh. And he bites HARD. Anyone has any tips on how to prevent biting?

One other thing is that he wants to chew on everything... yes EVERYTHING! From his shoes to our books to the toys he sees lying around. I guess it's not bad as such because it's a natural way for babies to explore, so I'm not fussed about it. Here's an example. I blogged about the thudguard a while ago, and unfortunately... a couple months on, it's been relegated to a decorative item in John's play yard.

As you can see, if an item can't be chewed, it's got no value to John.

After 5 months of teething, i'm just glad that John's not reacted adversely nor has he been overly fussy; just the bucket loads of drool which i'd take any time over a hard-to-handle baby. Thank God for that.


serene said...

Anyone has any tips on how to prevent biting?

---> Er...tell him no? :)

trisha said...

i've tried that la. but it's not working, and it's increasing in rate and intensity! i hope it's a phase that will pass very very soon!