Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Tea time at CVC

When you're the youngest member of 'staff' at mummy's workplace, you're more often than not the centre of attention. John's constantly has a few pairs of eyes oggling at, i mean watching, him. Here's the proof!

Here's grandma, aunty Marianne and Aunty Gret watching John have his tea.
Tea for John now consists of a cracker or some biscuits. Thanks to advice from my friend Desiree, I bought the munchkin bowls that have a suction base and i put John's food in it to help him learn that food should be eaten off a bowl/plate rather than off the table. And he's doing really well. He's good self-feeding and can put even the tiny rice crispies in his mouth with no problem.

John's now been drinking from a straw for about a month now. It's amazing how quickly he learnt how to do it. His first successful attempt with a straw ended with a sip of soya bean milk from the hawker centre. I guess he figured that the drink was too good for him to miss out on considering he loves tofu. We use the pigeon bottle at the moment, although it has leaked a few times and I'm thinking of changing it. I'm holding it off for a while because John's really comfirtable with the pigeon. He can even open the cap on his own using his bottom 2 teeth!

Here's grandma feeding him water.
As part of the drill, after tea, the ladies of CVC will get him to "perform", clapping hands, raising hands, saying bye bye etc. And even though they've seen him do it a million times, his cooperation still elicits a very boistrous response from them (mummy included). See what I mean in this video:

Sometimes, I can't decide if, on the days we go into CVC, John has more fun or the folks at CVC have more fun. Heh. But as long as everyone's happy, i'm happy. :)


pei fen said...

urghhhhhhh tell me about it regarding leaky sippy cups!! ALL of k's sippy cups, from the cheapo brands to the high-end ones leak. i dunno what is it about sippy cups that don't leak!! i've resorted to just letting her drink from a cup... even if drip a bit here and there, also better than lugging a wet sippy cup out. ahhhhhhh! *considers leaky sippy cups as the bane of my existence*

trisha said...

yeah absolutely! i have resorted to putting the cup in a ziplog bag when we go out. very unglam.

i think i'll be getting a proper water bottle next. if you happen to find one that's good please share ya. :D