Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Babies' Prom

In my opinion, John's always been a relatively musical child. He loves music, singing and dancing. Even now, he sings more than he speaks sometimes and he can sing whole songs in both English and mandarin - in tune as well (much to mummy's relief). John loves to dance too and when any form of music comes on, he does anything from a little jig to a full on dance. And he's very much in time too.

I guess for John, it's a matter of having been exposed to contemporary worship even when he was in the womb. And every Sunday, he watches mummy involved in worship.

So classical music was not something I thought John would like, but when Steph (Victoria's mummy) asked if I'd like to go for the SSO's Babies' Prom, I thought why not. To be honest, I had my doubts if he'd sit through or enjoy it, so I brought his bag of toys and snacks just in case.

And I was very VERY surprised (in a good way) that John was engaged and loved the show. He even got his buzz lightyear toy to join in! Haha. Kudos to the SSO for making it so relevant to the young ones and engaging them throughout. I was highly highly impressed. We'll definitely go again next year.

Here are some pics:

Conductor Peter Moore was fabulous

Quietly listening

During the part they played the "scary music".

During the part the music was relatively louder and with much percussion.

This is a short video of the segment of the show i really enjoyed - they got some kids to go up to conduct the orchestra. Very funny...

YouTube Video

-- Post From My iPhone

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