Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Big O-N-E!

John's O-N-E and boy did we have a celebration! There were just too many people we wanted to share our joy with, so we had to have a total of FOUR celebrations: 2 at home with friends, one in church and one with the relatives. And 4 cakes, 3 parties, an Old Chang Kee spread and one prata man later, I can say with absolute certainty that we're all partied out. Here are some of the highlights of the weekend.

Two of our cakes were creations by our good friend Chris the Baker. The first was a no. 1 cake. Made with rich chocolate fudge and decorated with hand-made marzipan animals. The second cake was a black forest fresh cream cake decorated as a book with (you guessed it) hand-made marzipan animals. I'm sure you can tell John loves animals. :) Both cakes were absolutely delish and I'm glad we ordered hefty cakes so we had leftovers for the rest of the week. Thanks again Chris! The other 2 cakes were bought commercially - one from Polar and one from Swensens.

Our no. 1 cake!

Our book cake. See how it says "Little John had a farm.":)

The birthday boy was all smiles when we sang him his birthday song - all 4 times. He would smile and even clap. Very cute. The only thing is he doesn't know how to blow out his candle yet but the other kids didn't mind at all. Some even blew the flame out before we sang the song. Fun tho. :)

I really wanted to create a fun atmosphere in the house for the birthday boy and other kids that were coming for the party on Saturday so I ordered balloons! It's amazing how the simple balloon could elicit sooo much interest. Kids and babies alike were mesmerised by the blue, green and yellow concoction that lined our ceiling. At $1 a pop, it was well worth it! John had a lot of fun just trying to grab the hanging string.

Having some fun with grandma.

We had out most of John's toys which we painstakingly sterilised the night before. We had a baby gym cum ball pit (present from Grandma & a hit with most of the kids, even though it was for babies), a gym set and trampoline which i rented, an exersaucer for the younger babies, and a slide/swing. It must have been soo enticing that even some adults had a go!

Oh and the whole weekend we just ate and ate and ate. For the first party on Saturday, we engaged the services of BBQ men from BBQ Wholesale. Slighly disappointing. For the second party, we got the Prata man from the famous casuarina prata to make prata on the spot. That was fantastic! He made everything from tissue prata to customised banana-caramel-chocolate-cheese pratas. Fab. I would recommend them in a heartbeat. On Sunday, we celebrated with the church with a spread from Old Chang Kee. We found out they had a catering arm and decided to try them out. And I must say they were very professional and the food was wonderful. Each curry puff, each yam pie, each sotong ball was as good, if not better than what we'd get at the OCK stalls. Absolutely Fab.

On the day of John's birthday itself, we spent a quiet half day with the bub. Just daddy, mummy and baby. We had breakfast at the club and brought him to the play room for some early morning fun. I think John was just happy to have daddy spend time with him in the day, especially in the morning. Daddy's usually on his way to work when John wakes up so it's always a treat to have daddy around on a monday morning! We had lunch at Parkway and then headed home to prepare for party no. 4 with the relatives.

Having breakfast with daddy. On the menu: Cherrios!

We were so early on the monday morning the cleaner was still there!

It was a milestone not only for the bub, but for us as parents. It's been one entire year of having a little person in our lives and he's made these 364 days the most memorable ever. Every coo, every laugh, every smile, every milestone reached has been amazing. John's life has been a real showcase of God's creation and a reminder that we've been chosen to have the privilege of nurturing this gift He's given us. We pray that as John enters his second year, we will be the parents that God had intended for us to be.
To the next 364 days I say... BRING IT ON!!!


Jo said...

What a nice blog entry. Indeed you're right, we have been chosen as their parents and we have been given such a wonderful privilege! Wish I was at your party, sorry I couldn't make it again! And here's to more wonderful years with the kiddos! Jo

trisha said...

aye aye! would have so loved to have you there. claire would have been a hit with the boys! :)