Saturday, June 27, 2009

Johnny Walker - Part 2

Our little one is finally walking - properly! It was initially just a step or two and then on June 17, just 2 days after his first birthday, he walked his first 5 steps. After that, just small bits of progress. But the last three days we saw an exponential increase in John's confidence and he's been taking many many steps at a go. And today at his gym mate Caius' birthday party, he walked so much I managed to get video clip after video clip of footage. Here's just one of them!

Of course, after the party, I was absolutely pooped. Chasing the little one around was no joke. I guess it's a little taste of what is to come. Hopefully that will help me shed the pounds. :)

ps. the voice in the background is birthday boy Caius' sister calling out to John. i can't understand what she's saying but i guess John does since he makes a 90 degree turn and heads straight for her.

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