Monday, August 31, 2009

Cut and play

Couple of weeks ago, I brought John for his first official haircut at Parkway Parade. I can't remember the name of the shop, but it's one of those catered specially for the little ones. they play DVDs to distract the bubs and they've got toys and all just in case they need more amunition.

Even with Barney and Mickey Mouse on screen, John didn't like having his hair cut one bit. The moment the electric shavers made contact with his hair, he squealed and when we persisted, he cried. So I had to carry him the whole time and in mummy's arms, we calmed down significantly and we finally managed to finish the haircut. It took 25 minutes and I must say John was a real trooper. I actually expected it to be much harder so I was very relieved not to have to leave with his hair half cut. After the cut, John looked a little like a mini NS boy with his hair real short, but hey, at $20 a pop, i'd rather he had a good short cut so it'd take it's time to grow out.

A couple of days after that we met Desiree and Leroy at the swimming club and fortunately for us, Desiree was armed with her camera again. Woohoo! Here are some of the lovely post-haircut shots taken that day. Thanks again Desiree! :)


Jo said...

Ah so now we know what he'll look like when he goes to NS! ;)

I haven't cut Elisha's hair in months, it's starting to poke in his ears. hehe... Oh! We went to the club's playroom on Sunday, Elisha loved the balls!

trisha said...

the playroom's not bad right! :) glad elisha had fun. john always does there.