Thursday, September 24, 2009

At the Zoo!

Since John started walking independently, we have had loads of fun bringing him to different places. Last month, we took John to the Zoo. Both James and I hadn't gone to the zoo in yonks so one bright Friday morning, we headed north to mandai. And i'm glad we did.

It wasn't overly crowded and the weather was nice. The animals were strutting their stuff and John had a good time on the tram and the boat. We watched the Splash Safari show with the sea lion, penguins and manatees and John was good enough to sit through the whole show. One of the highlights had to be the Rainforest Kidzworld. It's a pity I didn't bring John's swim gear but he had a good time running around the playground-like area and looking at the animals in the petting corner. It's amazing how the bub is not bothered by the smell of animal faeces... mummy on the other hand, felt nauseous more than once - and no, i'm not pregnant (yet :D). Here are some of the photos from our little family excursion.

One thing i must say is that it's a great thing i brought along my hip seat - that blue contraption that looks like a fanny pack in the top right picture. Whenever John decided he didn't want to walk, or when he wanted to pick up something that looked remotely like dung, we had to carry him. Daddy could carry the 10.5kg bub comfortably on his shoulders, but for me, the hip seat was absolutely necessary to prevent my arms from giving way. I had on hand my ergobaby but it was waaay too warm to carry John in that sling.

We spent a total of 5 hours there and by the time we got back to our car mid afternoon, the tyke was so tired out he slept almost immediately. All three of us had a wonderful time and we will definitely be going back there again.


Jo said...

hey. is the hip seat really that good?

trisha said...

it's good if you need to carry the tod a lot. John doesn't like being in a pram much, so this is a good alternative. Claire's good in a pram no? One downside is that it's not fashionably appealing if you know what i mean. :D