Thursday, October 08, 2009

Grandpa caught red-handed!

I'm usually quite strict with how much TV/computer time John gets during the day. But he's really taken the the square box and it's getting me really worried. If we allowed him, John could easily sit and watch TV for hours.

At CVC, it's proving to be even more of a challenge because there are so many computers around and when John decides he wants to watch something on youtube, he heads straight for Aunty Gret, Aunty Marianne and of late GRANDPA! When he doesn't get his way, he cries up a storm and more often than not, he gets his way. Aunty Gret and Aunty Marianne now give him just a little entertainment but it's grandpa he's got wrapped round his little finger. And i've got the evidence:

How? How? How???


Jo said...

Sigh. mine can get very glued to the tv too. I'm also getting a little worried. I try to carry him away when he makes a fuss and once he's distracted, I ask if he wants to read or I bring him out for a walk. :)

Lea said...

I HEART whoever invented TV and praise God for the him! :) He learns a very large amount from his friends on Sesame Street, Manny Manitas and Charlie & Lola. Thankfully, he is quite selective as to what he'll watch... err.. though that in itself poses a challenge.