Saturday, January 23, 2010

My "baby" brother weds!

On 9th January, and at a ripe ol' age of 25, my "baby" brother Aaron, the youngest of 4 children in my family, got married. It may seem young in this day and age, but I give it up to him for breaking away from the norm and following his heart. And I'm happy to have gained a sister, one who will look after my brother and inspire him to bigger and better things. Welcome to the family Celia!

The happy couple popping the champagne!

John was one of the page boys so we decked him out in a little tuxedo complete with cumberbund and bow tie. He was supposed to walk down the aisle with mummy but froze the moment he saw the crowd so I had to carry him down the aisle instead. I'm just happy he didn't cry and insist on running off somewhere. He also sat through the whole ceremony with little fuss, which was very nice because I was able to witness the grand affair without having to run after a toddler.

Oh how he's grown! John's a proper little boy!

All in all, it was a fabulous day and I'm glad my sister and her family flew all the way from Sydney to be there. John was able to really get to know his cousins Mia and Zac. Zac's only 2 months younger than John and it was nice to see them play together. Perhaps a trip down under is in order! :)

John and Zac playing before the ceremony.

Congratulations again Aaron & Celia! We are glad to have had the privilege to witness the start of this fabulous journey you have embarked on and our prayer is that you both will always be guided by God in all you do as a couple and as a family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

john look so cute :)