Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Toddler talk

My big boy

So John's been "talking" a lot lately and most of the time we just wonder what he's saying. For the most part, it's John talk and we can't understand 95% of it. When he wakes up from his sleep or nap and he's well rested, he can "talk" to himself for up to 10 minutes before calling for us and it's quite amusing for J and I at the other end of the baby monitor.

Together with the in-laws, we have had much discussion about what language it actually sounds like. At one stage, my father-in-law was convinced it was tamil. So we headed to Muthus for dinner one night and when John started a "conversation" with the Indian server, we asked her if she understood, and she didn't. So i've concluded that it's some form of tongues and one that only God can understand at this point.

Having said that, John has started to also say proper words and it's just adorable to hear. One day he'll just surprise us with a word peppered amongst his john babble and I do a little gig inside knowing he's moving along well in his speech development. Here are some of the words he says (and the meanings):

bye bye (bye bye)
bird (bird)
ball (ball)
poh poh (poo poo)
more (more)
no more (no more)
dut dut (duck)
peeh peeg (pink pig)
buh ber (bubble or ball)
mama (mummy or mama)
deh chee (daddy)
ai-yah (swing - don't ask me why)
meng-ah (open)
far-er (flower)
piss (please - although he's only said it once in class)
moh (moo)
meh (cat/meow)
ow ow bow wow (dog's bark)
rarrhhh (roar of a lion/tiger/bear)
sssssss (hiss of a snake)
two (two)
peep peep (which according to my mum, is what big bird says - she obviously has her cartoons mixed up)
and this morning for the first time... dawwwg (dog)

This is all I can think of at the moment. I think it's pretty fab for my little one. I just can't wait till he's able to properly speak and hold a conversation with me. Till then, I'll just keep trying to decipher the toddler talk.


Anonymous said...

so cute when they blabber even if we dont understand them :) but funny words john uses eg meng-ah = open ?

trisha said...

yeah. i really don't know where he gets that from.

anyways, I still have your small towel! and pls tell me how to get invited to view your blog. THANKS!

Chris The Baker said...

Hey, I thought meng-ah was used to end every sentence? Haha! Maybe he really did mean open all these while!
Nat's been chattering all day long too...when we meet next, let's do a video clip. It'll be real amusing!
After cny? :)