Sunday, February 14, 2010

Family Photoshoot

When the family was around for my brother's wedding, we took the opportunity to have a photoshoot done. We got Joan to to the shoot and we managed to get some great shots despite everyone being tired from the wedding the day before and John having a fever. Also, Joan herself wasn't feeling too great physically but continued with the shoot anyways despite almost fainting at some points - Thanks Joan for being so professional about it.

Here's what we got!

Happy Family!

We wanted a casual shot but John was so distracted by the ball.

And there he goes.

An indoor shot!

John happy on the swing.

Daddy and Mummy Khoo

The Chngs!
Our little family.
At this point, John's fever was sky rocketing so we couldn't get a smile from the bub.

We tried to pacify him with raisins, but he threw the whole lot on the floor.

Before we called it a day, we managed to squeeze in a few shots of J and I. :)

I'm really glad we managed to get our family shots done. We had wanted to do it for a long long time and now we have so many to show for. Yay us!

1 comment:

Jo said...

the raisins one!! your reaction is priceless!