Monday, February 15, 2010

He's 20 months already!!!

I haven't done a real update on John for a while now and since he turns a whopping 20 months today, I thought i'd do just that.

Physically, John's thriving. We hadn't weighed him for some time and while we didn't know his actual weight in figures, we certainly felt every increase in our arms. So a trip to the PD for an immunisation booster and we find out he's 12.2kg! That's a whole 9 kilos more than what he weighed when he was born. He eats well and loves his food. Breads and biscuits of ANY kind really do it for him and he can go on and on if mummy doesn't stop him. He's been going wild this CNY with all the goodies everywhere and it's not easy to get him to stop cos mummy herself is indulging. Boo me - i'll deal with the consequences in a couple of days. :S

I'm happy to say that as of tonight, John's been sleeping through the night and on his own for a whole 3 weeks now! PRAISE GOD! J and I made the decision to sleep train him and although it was perhaps the hardest decision we had to make, it may have been the best one ever. Our little family of 3 is now well rested and having a whole lot more fun. We still see one or two bumps in the road, but consistency in our sleep training approach has ensured that he gets a good 10 - 11hours sleep every night. God is indeed good. I attribute all success in this area to Him and His guidance.

John's got a very big personality coupled with a really infectious laugh. He's a real social creature, very much like his mummy and has no qualms approaching other kids and asking to play with their toys. He loves being around people, especially children, and will do anything to get some claps from us. And when he's really excited, he'll start running on the spot and clapping his hands.

He attends Julia Gabriel with me 3 times a week - 2 chinese lessons and 1 english - and although I've heard very differing opinions about the effectiveness of the school, I believe John's benefiting from the sessions. I can see John learning and socialising well with others. He can now follow instructions, mostly in english and some in mandarin, and he can follow most of the actions during the sing-a-longs. He sits through the story-telling with no fuss and loves to play with paint and glue.

John loves TV, but he loves books too. He watches any show that's on tele and even knows how to tell us he wants to change the channel. His favourite would be anything with music. He "reads" anything too, from simple board books to flipping encyclopedias.

The thing we love most about John is that he shows he loves us. He'd snuggle up against us in the morning and plant a kiss on each of our cheeks - several times too. He's such a joy to have around and he constantly amazes us with the things he does. We pray we'd grow to be better parents everyday and that God will continue to guide our steps as we bring up this gift he's given us.

Happy 20 months bubba! Mummy loves you!

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