Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Still heartbroken

"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life,
but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit"
Proverbs 15:4

Earlier this year I blogged about a certain kid, C in John's Julia Gabriel class. Hearing how he was treated at home broke my heart and every week we go into class, I am reminded of how I need to shower my son with love and not neglect him.

Today we had a parent-teacher chat and C's grandfather came to class. After the photo taking session I overheard this conversation:

Grandfather (to helper): Let him do the art and craft himself ah.
Helper: *nods*
Grandfather (to C): Later you do your art and craft yourself ah, stupid boy (emphasis mine).

WHAT??? I couldn't believe my ears! I had to confirm it with the helper later on at the playground. Did C's grandfather actually call him a stupid boy to his face? The helper confirmed it and added that C's parents call him stupid boy at home as well.

Is it no wonder that C doesn't say a word in class? Is it no wonder he still drools occasionally like a 14 month old baby? All that negative confession from those closest to him is really taking a toll on the little man.



Steph said...

sigh. It's so sad but infuriating at the same time! Adrian and I always wonder why such people have children! Everytime I see something like that, I pray that God protects the little one's heart and spirit, and make him a better person through his experience.

trisha said...

i agree. the least we can do is to pray for them.

Jo said...

that's really sad. :( Poor boy. To grow up being told that everyday! Sigh.

trisha said...

Jo, it's really sad. Today I tried to hold his hand and he yanked it away. Poor boy. I think he's used to such gestures. :(