Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Translator please

We have come to terms with the fact that our little one is a little slow in the speech department. Don't get me wrong... it's not that John doesn't speak. We just don't understand him. This is what I mean....

Now, can someone please translate what he's saying please?


Jo said...

When it does 'make sense' (I put " cos it COMPLETELY makes sense to them, not us dumb adults) it'll come fast! :) Like Elisha now. Though I still don't get some of his ramblings too sometimes but he has that same earnest look I just saw on John. I just go "mmm yeaaa!" Hehehe!!

trisha said...

But what if he's saying "oh this is rubbish mummy, i want to watch tv now!"... and i go "yes john".... the poor boy will be confused! haha.

Now i just say "mummy doesn't understand you John. can you tell mummy properly so i can understand?" lol.

Steph said...

hahaha...omg that's SOOO cute! Erm, it sounds a bit like Tamil actually! hehe...

trisha said...

My FIL thinks it sounds like tamil too. We went to Muthu's one day and asked the waitress if she understood what John was saying but she said no, so definitely not tamil. haha.

It's a tongue that only God understands. :)

Jo said...

tamil?! you're so funny!! Haha!