Monday, December 01, 2008

In remembrance

On Friday, I, together with the whole nation of Singapore was shocked to learn that one of our very own had fallen victim to terrorism. Even more shocking was finding out she was a secondary schoolmate and a friend. Though we were not classmates, we had gone to New Zealand on a Geography trip in Sec 3. In University, the law and business faculties shared the same canteen and we often bumped into each other. Working in Raffles, we also met on the streets after a very long day at work.

The Geography group in Zealand. In the first pic, HY's the thid from the right and in second pic, she's the second from the right.

When I read the news, it was hard to swallow. It felt to close for comfort.... she was a friend. Not a close one, but still a friend. She had her whole life ahead of her... a promising future in law and a loving husband with whom she planned to have kids with. The whole episode reaked of injustice and many of us felt anger and maybe even hatred towards those who planned India's "911".

Hwei Yen, may you rest in peace knowing that your passing has not been in vain. The country will band together to counter terrorism in a bid to prevent such from happening again. May God bless your husband and your family even in this time.

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